Imagine you are a restaurant owner, and business has been dull.
Then one fine day, there is a rush of customers visiting your restaurant.
Everybody wants to buy your food and is waiting in line with money in their hand.
As you get happy and start your point of sale software, it shuts down.
Customers get upset, vow to never come back to your restaurant, and write critical reviews for you.
No restaurant owner wants to have such a bad dream, right?
In the past decade, technology has been growing at a rapid rate. Point of sale systems for restaurants has been developing as well. If you are a restaurant business owner/partner, you know the importance of a reliable restaurant POS.
Most traditional and decade-old restaurants use an old POS. While there is no harm in using a restaurant point of sale software that is comfortable, it can cause trouble for your future.
If you still need convincing, here are 5 reasons we believe every restaurant owner must change their POS.
Top 5 reasons for a restaurant to change their POS:
- Collapses under pressure:
- More complex, but not simple:
- Not integrating with multiple payment gateways?
- Your system ignores customer behavior:
- When the Internet is down, your restaurant is down:
Let us go back to that dream. You get a rush of customers, and at that moment, your POS cannot handle the capacity. It collapses under pressure, leaving your customers high and dry. Working under peak pressure must be a simple job for a restaurant point of sale software. Because of a slow POS = delay in service + unhappy customers.
Ideally, we believe that the best restaurant POS can handle peak pressure. You can accept entries for a long time, minus any performance issue, and at a faster rate. Whether it is during quiet hours or peak time, this POS will always have your back.
Restaurants that are decade-old or in the industry for the past 5-9 years have been using an outdated POS system. This is because most of these systems have been running with complexity. Maybe they have a few excellent features, but using it overall takes you much longer than it would take if you use a new feature-rich POS.
In an ideal scenario, the best point of sale restaurant software must be simple to use and highly effective. The interface is easy to use and understand for everyone. Using this POS will help you complete every task quickly, minus any complexity.
Customers have minimum patience for payments. Imagine if your POS system declines their credit card/UPI payment. And the reason is simple – Your POS does not support such payment gateways. Such bill settlement issues can cause your restaurant business to lose multiple customers. These include customers who pay using such payment modes.
Ideally, get a POS for your restaurant that solves your problems and doesn’t cause them. If your restaurant POS cannot integrate with payment gateways, it is high time for a change. Get a stable POS that manages easy payments.
For a restaurant to remain successful, knowing about its customers becomes a big deal. Old and outdated point of sale systems rarely help you track customer behavior. It also does not generate reports that can help you conduct analysis and improve the customer experience at your restaurant. This might lead to you losing customers.
We believe that in an ideal scenario, your point of sale system helps you understand customer behavior. Using reports and analytics, you can craft promotions, discounts, rewards, loyalty programs, and much more to keep your customers happy in the long run.
Sounds strange, no? Why should your restaurant shut down when the network is down? Your job is to serve food and drinks, right? No! Most old restaurant POS systems need a stable internet connection network. Sometimes, even a stable connection might not guarantee perfect results. This can lead to angry customers, loss in sales, & much more.
We believe that in an ideal scenario, a point of sale must be able to function even without the stability of your network connection. Even when there’s a drop in network coverage, your work and sales must continue. Business must keep running as it does.
So how can someone continue running their restaurant business smoothly?
Talking about business running for a long time, we have a solution. This can sort these 5 troubles for your restaurant business. Yes, we are talking about is KafeCloud.
What is KafeCloud?
KafeCloud is restaurant management software that helps in managing your restaurant effectively. With the help of our unique online ordering system, any restaurant can run its business smoothly, minus any hassle.
KafeCloud is not just software. Our system can help transform your restaurant and stay ahead of the competition. So if you are looking for the best online ordering system, connect with us for a FREE DEMO.